Our Services

Discover how Mesnan Filter Solutions can enhance your online experience with our advanced filtering tools and commitment to online safety and productivity.

Android “Local” Filter

This filter works with most Android phones, including flip phones. It lets you set a code and customize settings like blocking factory resets, disabling default/built-in apps, Google Play Store access, third-party app installations, WebView use (with exceptions), DNS filters, Developer Options blockage, and changing the filter password. These settings can be adjusted on the device using the password you set during the filter setup.

Remote Filter

The remote filter is compatible with Android, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Windows, and ChromeOS. It enables remote updates for your device filter. You can block app store access or use filtered options, get a library of Kosher apps, and prevent harmful website access. Customize settings like blocking resets, third-party apps, WebView/WebKit use (with exceptions), Developer Options lockout, AI/Voice Assistants control, and other device features.

Network Filter

Additionally, we offer a remote network filter that extends the filter to all devices connected to the internet through Ethernet or WiFi. This setup enables us to regulate internet access, block unauthorized devices from connecting, and establish alternative connection methods. It can operate on a code-based system incorporating one-time generated codes, payment for connectivity, and other authentication measures to keep your network secure and safe.

Take Control of Your Online Safety

Contact us today to explore our filtering solutions and start ensuring a secure and productive online environment.

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