Our Services

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Our Services

Kosher Electronics Store

Purchase a pre-filtered device to avoid the hassle of having to get your phone filtered. We sell devices thata re already filtered, for a good price!

Mobile Remote Filter

The recurring filter works with iOS and Android devices, including an app to place requests for apps and we can remotely approve & install it.

Network Filter

The Network Filter lets you monitor devices connected to your Wi-Fi and track their activity. You can block apps or websites for individuals or everyone.

Mobile One-Time Filter

Our Android One-Time Filter offers a strong filter on the phone and the only way to manage the filter is by inputting the unique passcode.

Cellular Service

Our Kosher Cellular Service offers filtering on your SIM card. This is a mobile plan and should be used in addition to a device filter.

Flip Phone Filter

We offer fitlers for Flip Phones, utilizing the PuriFone filter. This option can not be remotely installed and requires an in-person visit.